Before the season begins, I want to make sure all of the content is up-to-date and accurate. Not all of the content pages will be done by the start of summer camp, but most of them will be. I have a few pages that include runner biographies and their photograph, so that might take a while. Overall, I think this overhaul will be a nice refresh to this webpage. We are still voting on the design overhaul, but if a new design is required, then that's another addition to look forward to!

So far, we have some really great ideas, but we're trying to find ways to incorporate it into the website. They include:
  1. An alumni page.
  2. A school record page (with pictures and times, of course).
  3. A page for race course information.
  4. A two minute videos for all the coaches.
  5. A page on legacies of great runners (maybe a link within the record page?).
  6. Sponsors (definitely need this one).

Here's what we have and what we plan on having down within the next two months:
  2. Runner of the week, done weekly from the blog.
  3. More information on the "Coaches" page.
  4. Making "The Quote Vault" more prominent within the website.
  5. Maybe a redesigned "photos" page.
  6. The "Schedule" page will be available on the menu bar.
  7. Cleaner interface for the "Talk" page.
  8. Finding more facts on team accomplishments, then adding it to the "About" page.
  9. Have a runner's guide for new runners (will be out before summer camp, and focuses mainly on camp).
  10. Add more content to the "Extras" page. I need ideas for what to have on the page! Help, everyone!

And last, but not least, here's proof that the site is undergoing serious editing:

All of those eyes with an X to its right are pages that are going to be edited.
Here it is! It's a two minute video about the team as a whole and the fun spirit of belonging to this Mustang family. We know that you'll enjoy your stay here, and we know that this will only be the start to many long lasting memories to come. Cheers!
Recently, I've been wondering about what to add to this website. I'm pretty sure the previous post about the site running again mentioned something about completely giving the site a makeover. To be honest, I need a vote to see if this is a good choice. I will create a poll in a bit. Second of all, in the same blog entry, I mentioned a bit on adding content to the site. Well, I also plan on doing that. There's just a lot to get done! Well, I'm going to add even more. I will attempt to do a detailed description of most of the courses. That way, you can feel the race before you actually race. Figuratively, of course. Last, I will find new editors for this website. There will be five new editors, and positions are still up for grabs! I'm still deciding on how many editors per grade.
Well, here's a gift to everyone. The website is running again! In all honesty, it seems a bit early, but there's a lot to prepare for before the season can finally kick off! An event that is coming up is the Freshmen Round Up Day. Think of this as drafting, how professional leagues would do it. So, really, this event does mark the beginning of another great season. I encourage you to go, and help will always be welcome! It is on April 4th, from 6PM - 8PM.

For those who have not been informed, today was the Goodwill Fundraising Fundraiser! The fundraiser works by filling two trucks up with items and depending on which truck, filling it up a certain amount will get the team a certain amount. If that was too confusing, know that the truck with clothes and random items is worth $1500 when full. The truck that carries furniture and bigger contributions is worth $900 when full. When I visited at 11:00AM, both of the trucks were a third of the way full! That equates to $800! Good job, everyone!

Also, one last announcement. If you're on the home page, you might've noticed that the rest of the page is missing past content. Don't worry, all that past content has been transfered to the archival website. The link will be given at the bottom of this entry. 

Thank you for reading! In about a week, there will be another post concerning the development of the website, and further ideas.
This is a new page that we've added on to the website on 9/12/2011. The purpose of this page is to provide the user with extra content, and maybe some content that's found on the site! Here, you can download the page banners, save wallpapers (future), view polls, and maybe stumble upon a few contests or requests! The page will develop shortly, but as of right now, it has the download for the banners of the website! Have lots of fun!
Coach’s Survey (15 mins)

Please answer on a separate sheet of paper

Please include your name

1)      What is your current running shoe? (Brand and name of shoe)

2)      How long have you been running for? (Years please)

3)      Why did you start running?

4)      What is, in your opinion, the best “running food?”

5)      List three benefits of running.

6)      Weirdest thing that you’ve encountered or seen while running.

7)      Favorite running quote.

Fun Questions

1)      Why did the chicken cross the road?

2)      What is your favorite food?

3)      Please explain how cows add to the problem of Global Warming.

4)      What is your favorite movie of all time?

5)      Who is your favorite athlete?

6)      Describe your dream house.

The newly added Mustangs Webcam Feed is located as a link under the page, "Talk." What this live video feed will do is to share the experience of an event with other runners. One example would be the Big Bear High Altitude Training Camp. While runners up in Big Bear run, eat, sleep, and interact, when the live video feed is on, other runners can watch what's going on. There can be a question and answer session along with an interview or maybe even a tour of the cabins and surrounding areas. This is new feature and events will be posted when available. Future events so far is Big Bear High Altitude Training Camp, starting August 14th. Tune in to check out the Mustangs up in big bear!
So welcome to the athlete's website at Ylhscc.Weebly.Com! To sort out the confusion, this website was made by athletes, and is going to be up-kept by athletes too. Here, you'll find up-to-date information about what's going on with the team, fun personal interviews, blogs, memoirs, a place to talk and discuss, and maybe even some special pictures! Please keep in mind that this is not the official website, and is just one that branches off of the official one. Mainly, this is for athletes and we're sure you'll feel informed and bonded if you check this website often! 

For questions, please go to the Contact page and send an email form through that page. Other than that, we're sure that this page is easily accessible through its straight and direct tabs! Make sure you check out every page because you'll never know what you'll find! 

Once again, thanks for giving this site a look over, we hope 
So let's welcome the newest page to our site! The About Page! So simply, the About Page is about Yorba Linda High School's cross country team and it starts off with formal name of our team. It then goes into short, but strong sentences that describes the attitude of our team. It sets the mood for the declarative line. Go and check it out! (Click here to go to the About Page)

In other news, the website is coming along real nice! The officially launch date will be Monday, August 1st and there will be MAJOR updates to push for that date!

Pages that are unfinished:

  • About - Adding some quick facts about the school team!
  • Inspiration - The inspiring story behind Coach Kisner still needs to be published.
  • Coaches - Surprise surprise!
After about two weeks of hard work and planning, the YLHS Mustangs Cross Country website is finally starting to form. At the moment, four editors are behind the inner-workings of the website. In the past week, we have created the Boys' page, the Girls' page, Photos page, Talk page, Calendar page, Contact Page, Inspiration Page, Credits Page, and the Coaches Page. Completion of the website is expected to be by the end of July.

Technically, all of the pages are "unfinished," because we have to continuously update them, but for the ones that we haven't finished in showroom form, they're listed here:
  • Boys - need full list of boys and 2011 season pictures (finished the list of boys)
  • Girls - need full list of girls and 2011 season pictures (finished the list of girls)
  • Photos - need photos of previous years and 2011 season pictures (got some photos up, not much though) 
  • Contact - need coach contact numbers + emails and official team website (finished)
  • Inspiration - need background on Coach Kisner and maybe training philosophy
  • Credits - need background info on the website and editors (finished)
  • Coaches - need background information on coaches and one running quote from each coach