Well, here's a gift to everyone. The website is running again! In all honesty, it seems a bit early, but there's a lot to prepare for before the season can finally kick off! An event that is coming up is the Freshmen Round Up Day. Think of this as drafting, how professional leagues would do it. So, really, this event does mark the beginning of another great season. I encourage you to go, and help will always be welcome! It is on April 4th, from 6PM - 8PM.

For those who have not been informed, today was the Goodwill Fundraising Fundraiser! The fundraiser works by filling two trucks up with items and depending on which truck, filling it up a certain amount will get the team a certain amount. If that was too confusing, know that the truck with clothes and random items is worth $1500 when full. The truck that carries furniture and bigger contributions is worth $900 when full. When I visited at 11:00AM, both of the trucks were a third of the way full! That equates to $800! Good job, everyone!

Also, one last announcement. If you're on the home page, you might've noticed that the rest of the page is missing past content. Don't worry, all that past content has been transfered to the archival website. The link will be given at the bottom of this entry. 

Thank you for reading! In about a week, there will be another post concerning the development of the website, and further ideas. 


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