Coach’s Survey (15 mins)

Please answer on a separate sheet of paper

Please include your name

1)      What is your current running shoe? (Brand and name of shoe)

2)      How long have you been running for? (Years please)

3)      Why did you start running?

4)      What is, in your opinion, the best “running food?”

5)      List three benefits of running.

6)      Weirdest thing that you’ve encountered or seen while running.

7)      Favorite running quote.

Fun Questions

1)      Why did the chicken cross the road?

2)      What is your favorite food?

3)      Please explain how cows add to the problem of Global Warming.

4)      What is your favorite movie of all time?

5)      Who is your favorite athlete?

6)      Describe your dream house.

Coach Mike (Yoshinaga)

What is your name?
Michael Yoshinaga.
How long have you been running for, Michael.
I've been running for about eight years.
Eight years, that's a long time.
So yeah, what's your favorite run to go on?
Uhh, probably like a good, short three miler.
Me too. Grass, pavement, or dirt?
Dirt, definitely dirt.
Dirt don't hurt.
Dirt don't hurt.
Okay, last question, uhmm, favorite brand of shoes?
BROOKS! All the way.
Okay, all the way!